The Future Of Fitness Video Training
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The Future Of Fitness Video Training
Firstly welcome to our beginners guide on the future of fitness
and wearable technology, I just want to say thank you for joining
me as we embark on a quick journey of discovery into this ever
changing landscape of technological advancement. In this first
introductory chapter we will be going over why we are in need of
fitness and how technology is/will play a huge part in getting us
fit. Let’s get started…
First and foremost, here we are, living in an era where fast food
meals that are rich in fat are available on every corner and
advertised on every platform available. There’s no wonder more
and more people are suffering from obesity. Obesity, in the
dictionary, is defined as
“The condition of being very fat or overweight; corpulence.”
There are dire consequences for those that are morbidly obese.
Take a look at the facts and figures about obesity throughout the
world …
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity rates
worldwide have doubled between 1980 and 2008. In 2014, 39%
of adults aged 18 and over worldwide were overweight (about 2
billion) with 19% of them considered obese (estimated 1 billion
Obesity statistics in children is just as disturbing. WHO revealed
that the number of overweight and obese children under five
years old has risen to 41 million, from 31 million in 1990.
How is obesity measured?
It is measured using BMI, or the Body Mass Index. This can be
calculated by taking the weight of the individual in kg and
dividing it by his or her height in meters. Mind you, this isn’t
going to distinguish weight that is associated with muscle from
weight associated with fat. Therefore, with those thoughts in
mind, the BMI provides an uncalculated measure of fatness. So,
the BMI is considered a “rough guide,” because it doesn’t
correspond to the same degree of fatness in every person.
An individual that has a BMI that is larger than 25 is
“overweight.” However, if an individual has a BMI that is 30, they
are considered obese.
Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death. A
clinically obese child or adult is at risk of high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, joint
problems, cancer, depression and breathing difficulties.
Probably the light beneath all these dreadful facts is that
obesity can be reversed…especially with the help of
fitness technology!
Unlike those suffering from other diseases, an obese child or
adult can fight obesity by prioritizing health and fitness before it
becomes too late. If you or anyone you know is suffering from
obesity, here are 5 main ways to reverse its effects:
1) Remove sugar, salt and saturated fat – A high intake of
salt, sugar and saturated fat all contribute to obesity. WHO has
dropped its recommended fat (53 grams/day), sugar (25
grams/day), salt intake (5 grams/day) to help reduce the global
population’s risk of diabetes and obesity.
2) Get enough sleep and control stress levels – Lack of
sleep and chronic stress are the leading causes of insulin
imbalance and weight gain. Poor sleeping patterns have been
linked to damaged metabolism and increased cravings in
carbohydrates and sugar. Religiously sticking to at least 8 hours
of uninterrupted sleep, paired with activities that promote
relaxation (yoga, meditation, massage, etc.) could help reverse
the effects of Type 2 diabetes.
3) Get educated about nutrition – Food is the body’s fuel that
enables us to think and perform day-to-day tasks, but it is
important to be mindful of food choices. Aside from maintaining
WHO-recommended fat, sugar and salt intake, adding whole
unprocessed foods (such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts) to the
diet can prevent insulin resistance and in turn help reverse
obesity. The right set of multivitamins and supplements can also
promote proper metabolizing of fat and sugar. If you are unsure
of the diet and supplements suitable for you, it is best to seek
advice from a nutritionist.
4) Exercise – Any physical activity, may it be walking for
several hours or performing high-intensity interval training for 30
minutes, is better than nothing. Make sure to get the heart rate
up whenever you exercise.
5) Measure progress – Many studies have shown that people
who track their diet and exercise progress with a notebook or
spreadsheet lose twice as much weight. Self-monitoring had been
a tedious task, since BMI measurements, calorie intake, and
physical activities are logged in manually, but fitness phone apps
made it much easier. Now with fitness trackers that can monitor
everything from steps, distance ran, speed, estimated calories
burned, and even sleeping patterns, self-monitoring provides
much more motivation than ever.
Anyone who has been diagnosed with obesity may find the
situation bleak, but this shouldn’t be the case. Changes in
lifestyle, diet, and fitness could help prevent or revert the effects
of obesity and with the aid of fitness technology the obesity
situation may be easier to beat than ever!
Well that’s a basic introduction into the current obesity situation
in the world and why we need fitness and health. Over the next
few chapters we will take a more in depth look at what wearable
tech is, how it can aid fitness and how it affects you. Are you
ready? Let’s go…
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Course Content
The Future Of Fitness Video Training
00:00 -
Why Are We In Need Of Fitness?
00:00 -
How is obesity measured?
00:00 -
What Exactly Is Wearable Tech? Should I Use It?
00:00 -
The Evolution & History Of The Wearable Device
00:00 -
Different Types Of Wearable Technology & Are They Safe?
00:00 -
How Safe Are These Wearable techs
00:00 -
The Benefits Of Wearing Technology Over Not Wearing It
00:00 -
Things to Consider Before Investing
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Comparing Wearable Tech & Smartphone Apps
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Avoiding Common Beginner Mistakes with Wearable Tech
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Making Wearable Tech Part Of Everyday Life
00:00 -
Conclusion – The Future of Wearable Tech: Where to from Here